Prolonged School Closure Update

Dear KMS Music Ohana,

The Music Department has decided to preemptively cancel the KMS Music Department Banquet in its usual form this year.  Of course, we are hoping for the best, but we are not sure at what point students will be returning to school. In the event we are able to return this year and that social distancing rules are relaxed before we let out, we would love to have some kind of smaller scale social event for our students, especially after all of this prolonged isolation.

As the Federal, State, and City & County governments are offering fast-shifting guidance, DOE teachers are uncertain about what will happen after April 7th – re: a return to school or online/distance learning. In the mean time, we strongly suggest keeping your musical skills sharp through practice if you are able!

There are a number of online musical resources that have been made freely available in the current Coronavirus crisis: is a pay subscription service that streams many classic Broadway musicals, but is offering a free 7-day trial at the moment. – the Digital Concert Hall of the Berlin Philharmonic has a promotion available until the end of the month, offering free 30-day access to their archives of Berlin Philharmonic Concerts using the promo code “BERLINPHIL” (must register before the end of this month)

We realize that these are not substitutes for in-person instruction, but hopefully they will help soothe the mind and soul (and ear) while we struggle through this period. Our hearts and thoughts are with you and your families as we do our best to weather the storm, and I look forward to the day we can all come back and make music together.

Derek Fujio

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